Thursday, August 11, 2016

Hello, it's me...

                  Why hello! It's been quite some time since I have written a blog. The last time I was on here I was getting ready to say good bye to my family once again back in 2013.  Things have definitely changed for sure!  For starters we have a daughter now, Ava Jane Murray:
She is now 8 months old. Ronnie absolutely loves his little sister. I was definitely a little worried how he would react to her but he is such a great big brother to her. We are now a family of four. Way different than three.  Speaking of three...whoever said that the twos were terrible, they were very, very wrong. I didn't think I could ever have anxiety and stress this much. Every day I feel like my head is going to blow a gasket with how much I'm constantly yelling at my son. He just non stop gets into trouble. There are days, like today, where I feel like the worst mother ever. I try so hard to do right by him but I feel like I'm getting nowhere. My mom mentioned a schedule, so that's what I'm going to try next. I think the biggest thing is keeping him busy. All he wants to do is go, go, go and mommy just wants to relax, relax, relax. The joys of parenthood.  Anyways, not a very long post tonight. Just trying to get back into my blogging. Will hopefully post on a regular basis from now on. Need to keep myself distracted while my husband is over seas. Have a great night everyone!!!  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Preparing myself for the heartache again...

You know it really has been forever since I have posted on here. What do I write about that I haven't wrote about before? I could talk about my 5 1/2 month old son who really is in a 12 month old's body. Or I could write about how my husband will be back soon and how much I miss him. I don't know honestly...

I guess I could go into how once again I am going to say goodbye to my loved ones and who knows when I will see them again. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see my husbands side of the family again. But I really hate good byes. It really hurts me so much when I have to look into my moms eyes and say "See you when I see you mamasita". It was so hard the first time and it will be even worse this time. Not only am I leaving but I am also taking her grandbaby away. I know Ronnie is a baby and probably won't fully understand but I'm sure this will effect him in some way when he doesnt see his "Mimi" "Papa" or Auntie "Bee" everyday like he is used to. I know I have to go and I know that I signed up for this when I married the man of my dreams but is there an easier way to do this? I wish I could just pack up all my loved ones into my suitcase so they can all come with me and I won't have to say goodbye. Sounds like a grand idea to me! 

Well anyways, I still have a few more months before I have to do any of that so in the meantime I am going to live like there is no tomorrow and live life to the fullest. Perfect! I'm getting back into my photography that I enjoy so much and making them into Digital scrapbooks. However, me being the dummy that I am, accidentally deleted my scrapbooking program when I was trying to clean up my computer. I will have to wait till payday to get the program again because I let my Nana borrow it and she lives in Kuwait. Too much of a process to have her try to send me it back. Oh well she can keep it and I will just get a new one. Fantastic solution I think! Must start using my camera that my wonderful husband bought me. Put Washington into a memory scrapbook. I was thinking about looking into online photography classes so I can learn more about digital photography but not really sure where to look and how much it would cost. Any ideas would be awesome! 

Farewell for now! I promise to try to keep my blog up to date more often. Just been off my game but definitely trying to get back into it. Adios Amigos! 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Everyday is a day closer...

I really wish I could just jump into the future. I am so ready to be back in Virginia so I can be with my husband and for us to be a family already. I miss him everyday and it's so hard not having him here. I wake up every morning and he's not there. I go to bed alone every night. The only thing that keeps me going is my son. I look at him and I see his daddy and my husband. He puts the biggest smile on my face and helps me forget that my love is over seas. 

I know I'm not the only one that goes through this. I went through it when I was younger with my dad. But it's not the same when it's your husband, you have more of a connection. I thought this wouldn't be so bad but I can't help but miss him. I love him so much and just wish this was over already. I want the family I have always dreamed about. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and he should be here helping me with our son. But unfortunately this is what I married into. I knew it when I said "I do". I am very proud of what he doing for us though. This was a big sacrifice for him but this decision was all based on taking care of his family.

Luckily everyday is a day closer to him coming home to us. I can't wait for him to hold his son again and for me to being have him in my arms. Hurry home baby!

I did a few more scrapbook pages. Showing more of my creativity: 


Friday, January 11, 2013

Scrapbooking fun times :)

Today has been a pretty easy day. This morning started out rough but after calming down today was a good day. I spent all day downstairs hanging out with my son and digital scrap-booking. I created eight pages today. To me this is my way of relieving stress and giving me something fun to do besides being a mommy. It's a way of expressing myself and showing my creative side. I'm not a very creative person in most things so this is important to me. Love doing it and it's not messy like regular scrap-booking is when I do it. 

This first page I did for my baby girl Daquiri. I used the Doggie Template I found online. I used the picture I took of her when I first got my camera. It was a close up of her face and it turned out really well. I've had her since she was a baby. I feel bad because I haven't had as much time for her like I used to since I had my son. I am trying to make more time for her though. She is so wonderful around little Ronnie which makes me very happy. She doesn't even really pay much mind to him but she does check on him when he is crying. Well here is the scrap-book page: 

The next two I did for my niece. She absolutely loves Minnie Mouse and loves to play in the snow. It started to snow today and unfortunately she is fighting a cold so we didn't let her out to play and boy was she very upset about that. They weren't joking when they called it the "terrible two's". She somehow takes after me big time. Love that little girl so much even when she gives me the biggest attitude. She puts a smile on my face everyday. Here are the pages:

This next one I did was for my favorite season, Autumn. I absolutely love the colors. Something about the season just makes me all happy and excited inside. I got the benefit of being able to travel across the country during the season so I took a lot of pictures:

It's crazy to think how much things have changed over the years. Sometimes I wish I was still a kid and didn't have all of these responsibilities. But then I think about how happy I am with how my life has turned out. I look at all my friends too and see how much everyone has changed and grown up. We all have our own families and some of us kids of our own. This next one I created for one my dear friends who I have known since kindergarten. She is the longest friend I have had. She had a daughter a little bit before I had little Ronnie. Rhiannon Renee the star of my next page:

These next two pages I created for a couple of my good friends who also had babies in the past year. I used to work Rochelle and Moria and we all became very good friends. Definitely will always have them as my friends. Love them both very much and their daughters are absolutely adorable:

Last but not least I created this one for a dear family friend of ours. Carman's cute baby girl. She is so little it's so cute. Definitely a big screamer when she wants something. She is a big traveler via rolling around everywhere. Almost able to crawl her way around:

That was the last of my pages for today. I will definitely have some more. Will also try to take more pictures to help with my pages. Hope you enjoyed these for today. Have a good night!  

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Officially a momma :D

Sorry that it has been awhile since I have been on here. I try to update as much as I can but it's been a little hard considering I am now officially a mommy! No more saying I am a mommy to be. Woohoo! But I do plan on trying to update this at least once a week. And since this is a Tuesday night I guess I will update Tuesday nights.

I am so happy that my little one is finally here. I am so happy to finally have in my arms. But it is definitely not the easiest job. There have been quite a few nights where I want to scream. It's really hard without my husband here but I do thank God everyday that I was able to come home to my family. I don't know what I would do without them. Probably go insane! I love being a mom but I have my moments a lot where I don't know what I'm doing. That's what my mom is for. I know all new moms go through this but you never know until you get to experience it yourself. I will tell you that I am happy to be here with my family, however, I am so ready for my little family. I want my husband back from over sea's, us in our home being parents to our beautiful baby boy. The trouble I went through to bring him into this world was so worth the pain!

I finally got back into my digital scrapbooking program. I did a few tonight that I will share with all my listeners. My son (I love saying that) has finally gone down for the night so it is time for this momma to get some laundry done. Have a great night everyone!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Been WAY too long

I am slacking way to much lately...maybe because I've bee dealing with  A LOT in the past month. First the move and then the pregnancy and getting everything ready for our son to arrive. Which hopefully will be any day now. I've been to the hospital 3 times with false labor in the past three weeks. Good news, however, is I am 3cm dilated and crossing fingers that I am ready to pop.

I am so ready for this pregnancy to be over. Not because I hate it but it has definitely been hard. I know I am not the only that goes through this but boy did I not know this was going to be tough. I am so excited to be a mommy but at the same time my pain tolerance sucks. Little Ronnie is one tough little cookie and a stubborn one too. I understand he will come when he is ready but what most people don't understand about me is I AM impatient. So when I've got everyone telling me everyday "be patient, Ashley, he will come when he is ready", I just want to scream really loud! I am very sorry if this offends everyone but I really had to get that off my chest. I love to talk and get things off my chest and I love the advice I get but telling me what I should and shouldn't do is definitely not the way to go especially when you got a crazy pregnant chick you're dealing with.

Anyways, on another note I am officially living in Washington with my wonderful parents who have taken me in while my husband is gone. Definitely a hard thing to get used to. Going from living on your own with your love back to living under your parents roof. Not something everyone wants to do but in my situation...I was in Virginia where I barely knew anyone and about 30 to 45 minutes away from the naval hospital where I was to give birth. So instead of leaving me alone all by myself my wonderful husband once again drove me across the country so I could be with loved ones and have my baby here. It was definitely a very hard decision for us to make but we both agreed I needed this. I am happy to be home again but I wish I could be with my husband more than anything. It is so hard to be without him.  I miss him more and more everyday, but each day is another day closer to being in his arms again.

We are so close to Christmas, who is ready for the holidays? Ooh pick me, pick me! But first lets get this little boy out of my belly! Crossing fingers he arrives by this weekend especially with my Uncle Patrick arriving this evening. Must give birth soon!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Military Spouse, toughest job in the Military"

It's been really hectic for the past couple months. Which is why I haven't been on here in awhile. Going through this pregnancy has been tough but nothing will ever compare to knowing that your husband isn't going to be there when you need him the most. You will never know what it's like to be a military wife till you are one.

The day my husband got the call asking him to go out of the country for a job, I don't think it really hit me then that my love was leaving for so long. The closer it gets for me to be back in Washington the more it hits me. Doesn't help that I'm pregnant and very emotional. How do you cope with the fact that your husband is going to be there when you give birth? Or for the first 7 months of his life. You just do. You go on day by day, and remember that each day that goes by is a day closer that he comes home.

I am very nervous about everything. Scared you might even say. But I am very happy to finally be able to go home and be with my family and friends so I'm not "alone". All I can do is tell myself "I am going to get through this". I cannot wait for my little one to be here in my arms. That will be the biggest distraction for me. And then I am definitely looking forward to picking up my husband from the airport and him holding his boy for the first time. See you all in Washington!