Thursday, November 29, 2012

Been WAY too long

I am slacking way to much lately...maybe because I've bee dealing with  A LOT in the past month. First the move and then the pregnancy and getting everything ready for our son to arrive. Which hopefully will be any day now. I've been to the hospital 3 times with false labor in the past three weeks. Good news, however, is I am 3cm dilated and crossing fingers that I am ready to pop.

I am so ready for this pregnancy to be over. Not because I hate it but it has definitely been hard. I know I am not the only that goes through this but boy did I not know this was going to be tough. I am so excited to be a mommy but at the same time my pain tolerance sucks. Little Ronnie is one tough little cookie and a stubborn one too. I understand he will come when he is ready but what most people don't understand about me is I AM impatient. So when I've got everyone telling me everyday "be patient, Ashley, he will come when he is ready", I just want to scream really loud! I am very sorry if this offends everyone but I really had to get that off my chest. I love to talk and get things off my chest and I love the advice I get but telling me what I should and shouldn't do is definitely not the way to go especially when you got a crazy pregnant chick you're dealing with.

Anyways, on another note I am officially living in Washington with my wonderful parents who have taken me in while my husband is gone. Definitely a hard thing to get used to. Going from living on your own with your love back to living under your parents roof. Not something everyone wants to do but in my situation...I was in Virginia where I barely knew anyone and about 30 to 45 minutes away from the naval hospital where I was to give birth. So instead of leaving me alone all by myself my wonderful husband once again drove me across the country so I could be with loved ones and have my baby here. It was definitely a very hard decision for us to make but we both agreed I needed this. I am happy to be home again but I wish I could be with my husband more than anything. It is so hard to be without him.  I miss him more and more everyday, but each day is another day closer to being in his arms again.

We are so close to Christmas, who is ready for the holidays? Ooh pick me, pick me! But first lets get this little boy out of my belly! Crossing fingers he arrives by this weekend especially with my Uncle Patrick arriving this evening. Must give birth soon!

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